Succeed Your Driver's Licence

Offers adapted to your pace and your budget

Per Hour Price

The price per hour is recommended for those who already have a very good base and only need few hours to improve their driving or theory.

Price per hour: CHF 80.00
Prepayment | Non-refundable

Promo Check

The 10 Hours Promo Check is recommended for those who have a sufficient base and who feel that these 10 hours are enough to improve their skills.

Pack Promo 10 Hours: CHF 700.00
Prepayment | Non-refundable

Promo Plus

The 20 Hours Promo Plus is strongly recommended to those who need close support and follow up in order to succeed in their driving license.

Pack Promo 20 Hours: CHF 1200.00
Prepayment | Non-refundable

Safe driving is no accident

Improvement|Risk Perception|Defensive Driving

Risk Perception

Method which consists in being at the wheel of a car, with the mirrors and the meter, the whole in the field of vision of the candidate obliging him to distribute his attention, to look where it is necessary and to evaluate the possible scenario concerning the others road users in front, behind and on the sides of the vehicle.

Defensive Driving

Defensive driving is a driving technique that aims to prevent you from being neglected, careless and disrespectful of other road users. This method is a state of mind that allows you to be constantly alert and to be able to react when something unexpected occurs.

Get your code right the first time ?

For some, you have to memorize to keep in mind the rules of the road. For others, you need to highlight them in bright colors or watch videos. Faced with this diversity of methods, it is important to determine which one suits you the most but do not forget, your Driving School Instructor will take care to guide and assist you throughout your training .: Some need to learn by heart to keep in mind the rules of the road. For others, highlight the rules in bright colors or watch videos. Faced with this diversity of methods, it is important to determine which one suits you best. But do not forget, your Driving School Instructor will take care of guiding you and assisting you throughout your training.

​According to your level

- Learning basic techniques.
- Improvement of driving technique: braking technique, anticipatory driving, approaching crossroads, respecting priorities, maneuvers ...
- Preparation for the exam.

Useful links